Data protection

Privacy Policy Home 36 Handelsges.mbH

Information based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR valid from May 25th, 2018

The protection of your personal data is particularly important to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (EU-DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this data protection information we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the framework of our website.

When collecting, processing and using customer and order data, we strictly adhere to the applicable legal provisions. In principle, you can visit our website without leaving any personal data. We only receive knowledge of personal data if you provide it to us. This is necessary, for example, in the following cases: for inquiries, orders, catalog requests, registration for the newsletter.

If you contact us using the form on the website or by e-mail, the data you provide will be stored by us for the purpose of processing the request and in the event of follow-up questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

If necessary, Home 36 GmbH processes personal data of customers, suppliers, manufacturers and third parties, which can fall under the following data categories :

  • Name/company/association/authority, department/legal form
  • Profession/job title, title
  • Business address and other addresses of the customer
  • Contact persons, clerks
  • Contact details (telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.)
  • Customer, supplier or employee identifier (no.)
  • Bank details, UID number

The data you voluntarily provide to the extent necessary is required to fulfill the contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures. Without this data we may not be able to conclude a contract with you.

As a business contact, business partner, employee, interested party or customer, you have voluntarily provided us with data about yourself and we process this data on the basis of your consent for the following purposes:

  • Customer care, general business transactions as well
  • for notifications and our own advertising purposes, offers, advertising brochures and newsletters (in paper and electronic form), as well as for the purpose of pointing out the existing or previous business relationship with the customer (reference note).

You can revoke your consent at any time. A revocation means that we will no longer process your data for the above-mentioned purposes from this point in time. For a revocation please contact: Home 36 Handelsges.mbH, Ungargasse 35 / 26, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Email:

We store your data for the duration of the statutory periods. Receipts and relevant business documents as well as records that must be kept due to accounting obligations, e.g. B. for 7 years. Other data is routinely deleted as soon as possible.

We use contract processors for our data processing and, if necessary, pass on the following data to the following categories of recipients:

  • Copies of purchase receipts as proof of purchase for warranty claims against suppliers or manufacturers or insurance companies in the event of complaints.
  • Delivery address/postal address to parcel shipping/forwarding agency/post for parcel shipping.
  • Accounting and payroll accounting documents are sent to our commissioned tax consultancy for the preparation of the annual financial statements / accounting.

We do not use automated decision-making / profiling procedures that have a legal effect on you or that significantly affect you in a similar way.


Your rights

In principle, you have the right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data transferability, revocation and objection.

You can reach us under the following contact details , data protection department:

Home 36 GmbH, Ungargasse 35/26 2700 Wiener Neustadt. Email:

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria, the data protection authority is responsible:



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We use cookies to make our offer user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your end device until you delete them. They enable us to recognize your browser on your next visit.

If you do not want this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases.

If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of our website may be restricted.


E-mail advertising with registration for the newsletter

If you register for our newsletter, we use the data required for this or separately provided by you in order to regularly send you our e-mail newsletter based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. Unsubscribing from the newsletter is possible at any time and can be done either by sending a message to the contact option described below or via a link provided for this purpose in the newsletter. After you have unsubscribed, we will delete your e-mail address, unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data or we reserve the right to use data beyond this, which is permitted by law and about which we will inform you in this declaration.